Category: Corporate

How future of AI will impact business

Artificial intelligence (AI) is continuing its migration out of the research lab and into the world of business. Leading companies across hundreds of industries are harnessing its power — from banks analyzing countless data points in seconds to detect fraud, to call centres deploying chatbots to improve customer interactions.

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Why Salesforce is open sourcing the AI technology behind Einstein

Salesforce is open sourcing the machine learning technology behind its Einstein AI platform.   Branded TransmogrifAI, the AutoML library is less than 10 lines of Scala code written on top of Apache Spark, and can be used by developers looking to train machine learning models to predict customer behaviour without having to use a…

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What is CRM artificial intelligence and what can it do for my business?

It was only a matter of time before artificial intelligence was embedded in CRM. Next year we’ll probably see self-aware water coolers. Skynet can’t be much further behind, right? Okay, maybe that’s a bit far-fetched. But CRM with artificial intelligence is very much a real thing now, and the implications it has for your…

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