- Flutter overcomes the traditional limitations of cross-platform approaches.
In cross-platform apps, the user experience typically lags behind that of native applications, because you often end up building the UI experience in JavaScript that has to be Just In Time compiled (JIT – compilation during execution of program at run time).
With Flutter, you create a high performance, “native” experience because a Flutter is an app Ahead Of Time compiled (AOT – compiles before the application is deployed or launched), machine binary executable. It removes several of the normal challenges that go with cross-platform hybrid approaches.
- Frontend & Backend with a single code
Unlike in Android/iOS coding, where there are separate files for fronted (xml, xib) which are referenced by backend (Java, swift), Flutter uses a single language (Dart) which does both the job and uses a reactive framework.
- It is a powerful design experience out of the box.
Due to the Google Flutter team’s careful implementation of the Material design specification, it is easy to create powerful UI experiences right out of the box. It helps produce the smooth, rich user experience you typically only see with native applications because Flutter’s release build is a native application.
- There is an extensive catalog of open source packages.
The huge set of open source packages and plugins available helps you create apps faster, with ease, and there are a lot of packages current available which make many complicated tasks much easier. Although still relatively young, the package library is growing by leaps and bounds everyday thanks to an ever-growing population of developers actively contributing to Flutter.
- UI Compliance — Everything is a Widget.
In flutter everything is a widget, the Appbar, Drawer, Snackbar, Scaffold, etc. It is easy to wrap one Widget inside another to give this to do things like center something, by wrapping it in a Center Widget. This is all part of helping make sure your users have a nice experience no matter what platform they are running on. You should read the article from flutter as well : Everything’s a widget.
- Different themes for Android/iOS
Assigning the proper theme for a user’s platform is as easy as using a ternary if to check which platform the user is running on; allowing your UI to make run time decisions about which UI components to use. g) Animations are even easier using 2Dimensions Flare.
Google introduced during Flutter live 2018 summit, this amazing online tool can be used to create extraordinary UI or animations with ease. It fills the gap between the UI designer and the developer, reducing the time required to apply UI or animation related changes.